Our Services


Individual Counseling

Individual counseling sessions are scheduled by calling our office or by requesting a counselor match online.

You can learn about all of our counselors by checking out our Team page.

Our mission is to enhance the lives of our clients by delivering exemplary psychotherapy services with lasting solutions.

We work from the following Guiding Principles:

  • Engage others with the utmost dignity and respect

  • Provide a warm and sincere environment

  • Offer compassionate counseling focused on client needs

  • Focus on strengths and the power of resiliency

  • Adhere to the highest standards of ethical business practice

  • Strive for continuous quality improvement

Therapy Groups


The following groups are open-ended, which means new members can enter at any time once arranged and scheduled by the group facilitator.

Beat the Blues/Stop the Angst MRT

Coed, adult, cognitive behavioral group focused on identifying and changing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that cause distress and symptoms. Homework is completed prior to each session. Average length of time in group is 9 months.

Facilitator: Amy Anderson LCSW, CSAC, ICS

Date/Time: Wednesdays 6:15pm-7:45pm

Referral into Group: Requires internal assessment/treatment plan and referral to group from internal provider.

Workbook Fee: $28


MRT Alumni Group

Coed, adult, cognitive behavioral group focused on providing maintenance to those who have passed the 12 steps of MRT.

Facilitator: Nyles Jackson LCSW, CSAC

Date/Time: The Last Thursday of each month 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Workbook Fee: no workbook

A safe and secure support group to share experiences and information. This group serves the educational, emotional, and social needs of the gender variant, transgender, intersex, and non-conforming community

Facilitator: Nyles Jackson LCSW, CSAC

Date/Time: The First and Third Wednesday of each month 6:00pm-7:30pm

Referral into Group: Requires internal assessment/treatment plan and referral to group from internal provider.

no workbook


There is also a psychotherapy version of this group for those who are interested or concerned about their own gender identity. This group provides a safe and secure place where group members can interact with others with similar experiences, meet, and exchange information. This group serves the educational, emotional, and social needs of the gender variant, transgender, intersex, and non-conforming community.

Facilitator: Nyles Jackson LCSW, CSAC

Date/Time: The Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month 6:00pm-7:30pm

Referral into Group: Requires internal assessment/treatment plan and referral to group from internal provider.

Workbook Fee: $28

Gender Identity Group (G.I.G.)

MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy)

A cognitive-behavioral group for people with substance use disorder focused on enhanced moral reasoning, better decision-making, and behavior change.

Facilitator: Carrie Liu, CSAC

Women’s group date/time: Tuesdays 6:00pm-7:30pm

Men’s group date/time: Mondays 5:16-6:45pm

Referral into Group: Requires internal assessment/treatment plan and referral to group from internal provider.

Workbook Fee: $28

Exploration Group

A co-ed supportive group
designed for people to discuss
substance use in a safe place.
Members will process issues
and uncertainty about change,
then personally decide upon
action steps.

Facilitator: Abigail Wincek, CSAC

Date/Time: Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm

Referral into Group: Requires internal assessment/treatment plan and referral to group from internal provider.

Workbook Fee: $10

Peer Support

Peer Support

We have a unique service that may be just what you need – and at absolutely no charge to you. Our Peer Support Specialists are professionally certified and have personal experience in recovering from mental health issues and/or substance use and, because of that, are able to walk with you through those challenges, too. Their unique experiences and training allow them to talk about what they’ve been through in order to provide you with encouragement and hope. They are also well-connected to community resources and support many pathways to wellness, recovery, and meaningful living. Ask to be scheduled with a Peer Support Specialist today!