Lisa Sabater
Clinical Services Associate, Peer Support Specialist
Oakwood Clinical Associates is like no other place I have worked (in the best possible way!). Everyone works as a team and is treated as an equally valuable team member, regardless of their role.
One of my roles at Oakwood is to welcome calls and check guests in at the front desk. I also come alongside those who come to our office in need of support for their mental health and/or substance use recovery as a peer support specialist.
I am in long-term recovery from substance use/mental health, and I take each day as it comes, doing life on life’s terms. We all know that life happens, and it isn’t always easy, but as a peer support specialist I can use my lived experiences to support those struggling to get the resources they need to get back on their feet. Sometimes you need support in life and just need to know that that’s ok and you’re not alone. That’s what I’m here for.